About Us

Editor: Laurie Haderlie

I am someone, like everyone. I’m a sibling, a child, a spouse, an ex, a worker, a learner, a friend, a parent, and a grandparent. I was born and raised in South Texas. My elementary school, my junior high school, my high school, and even the street I grew up on were all named after my small hometown.

My work resume includes everything from washing dishes at a pizza place to leading corporate meetings. I have enjoyed the comfort of financial stability and experienced the fear and isolation of homelessness.

My most mainstream accomplishment is perhaps that I earned a college degree with a Phi Theta Kappa honors achievement. I earned this degree as a single mother working full time. As a fellow traveler on the journey of life, I’ve learned many lessons. Along the way, I came up with an idea that had a positive influence on me, and I want to share it with you.

My name is Laurie. I am the creator of Spark Creativity Books. Our books are supported by four pillars of strength:

  • Self-expression
  • Inspiration
  • Healing through creativity and
  • Enjoyment

Thanks for joining my story.


Illustrator: Linnette Deason

When Laurie shared her vision of Spark Creativity Books, I was honored that she asked me to join her endeavor. I believe in the power of healing. I believe in the power of words, color, form and creativity. I think I have designed my entire life. I see the world in color, shape and form. I think that sometimes we forget our own importance in this universe. Join me on this journey. You won’t regret it.